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EarthGang Donates A Community Garden To Atlanta Public Schools

Atlanta artists EARTHGANG, known for their hip hop reflecting their southern style, teamed up with Atlanta Public Schools to create a community garden at Jean Childs Young Middle School.

EARTHGANG’s members, Olu and WowGr8, both went to Atlanta Public Schools. They met on a ninth grade field trip while attending Benjamin E. Mays High School. The group was formed not long after and they have been on a steady rise ever since.

Being a hip hop duo from Atlanta they often are compared to Atlanta’s most famous duo, OutKast.

EARTHGANG’S most recent endeavor in giving back to the community is working with APS to help provide fresh fruits and vegetables for a community in southwest Atlanta. This area can be described as a food desert, lacking easy access to fresh and organic produce.

“It’s nearly impossible to focus on education, mental health and financial stability when you don’t have the basic necessities of proper food, shelter and protection,” Olu said. “This project is a gift to future generations.”

The announcement about the garden couldn’t have fallen on a better day, Earth Day 2021.

Normally, it’s the job of educators to plant the seeds of knowledge into their students, but now the planting done by the students will literally feed their community. Students at Young Middle School reported food insecurity to be one of the biggest barriers to their success in a 2019 student survey.



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